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Many thanks to Wayne for his invaluable help in doing the history
and command line editing parts of ZShell. Also, thanks to
Tim Strachan who asked for the history stuff.
ZShell was entirely written using Wayned by Wayne Hayter (various
versions). And was assembled with A68K V2.61 by Charlie Gibbs. And
linked with Blink V6.7 by the Software Distillery.
Many thanks go to:
* The administrators of Aminet for their great work
* Samu Nuojua for his great Freeware assembler SNMA
ZShell V2.8 was assembled with V1.99: SNMA ZShell.S EXEOBJ OPTLEVEL 5
* Ralph Babel for the System0 code (see source)
* Martin Mares for some fine assembler programs
* Frank for using ZShell (I persuaded him :-)
* Laura Mahoney for trying to send me a postcard and lots of mail
* Igor Srdanovic
* Willem MC Hogeweg
* Nico Max
* Max Stouugard
* Alexandros Loghis for good ideas
* Christian Steigies for sending me postcards, for really long mails,
for lots of shocking bugreports :) and for betatesting
* Oliver Hofmann
* Holger Jakob
* Hans Kruse
* Nobody !
* Aristotelis Grammatikakis
* Jonathan Marsh
* Dominique Niethammer
* Fredrik Solenberg
* Teonanacatl
* Chris
* Fred Brooker for the music disk
* David Klinect
* Brian Myers
* Timothy Cochran for rewriting the documentation (not finished)
* Mark Dowe
* Marek Petkov
* Matthew Estela
* Christian Hessenbruch
* Bill Beogelein
* Louis Van Breda for reporting Enforcer hits
* Peter Bagnato
* Peter Schulz